What happens if your home doesn’t sell?
Here’s what to do

Clean, Modern Marketing for Your Home



Remember what it felt like when you first bought your home?

When you had your "I can't believe this is mine" moment? All the excitement, anticipation, and joy—that's how I want people to feel when they see your home online.

Professional Photography

This is the key to stealing the spotlight online. Professional, high-def photos highlight the best features of your home and impress potential buyers.

Inbox Impact: Email Marketing

The power of a well-crafted email is undeniable. With my extensive network and eye-catching content, I ensure your listing is prominently featured, taking advantage of email's proven efficiency over other platforms.

Social Media Marketing

I use social media to advertise your home to thousands of people in the Twin Cities and beyond and highlight its best features.

Facebook  Instagram

Floor Plans

These detailed floor plans offer more than just dimensions; they provide a clear visualization of the property's layout, flow, and potential. From understanding room proportions to envisioning furniture placement, our floor plans empower buyers to make informed decisions and visualize their future home before even stepping through the door.


Our expert staging team meticulously designs and arranges each space to highlight its unique features and maximize its appeal. From selecting the perfect furniture and decor to optimizing room layouts, staging transforms empty spaces into inviting homes. By showcasing a property's full potential, staging helps buyers envision themselves living in the space, fostering an emotional connection that drives interest and offers.Instagram


Request Your Free Home Valuation

I'll prepare a detailed report of your estimated home's value, tailored for today's dynamic real estate market.

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